Slash Kazuki →↓↘ + Any, and Bust Kazuki last hit of his ↓↘→ + A then ↓↘→ + B then ↓↘→ + C get powered at POW max. In addition, if his third move is done at the right moment, he will inflict much more damage while knocking down his opponent. |
Bust Kazuki can do his →↓↘ + Any then (→ or ← ) (tap) + Any (tap), while he is weaponless. |
Bust Kazuki can do his super move instead of ↓↘→ + C at the end of his three step move. |
If Bust Kazuki does his ↓↘→ + B after his ↓↘→ + A just when his opponent is about to land, his three hit motion will start but he will be able to do any move, even connecting an issen. The ↓↘→ + B won't connect tought if the opponent is blocking. |
When Slash Kazuki does his super move and connect it on his opponent, his POW gauge will only emptied a few moment after he get back on his feet. This allow you to do his super move more than once even when it connect . This is probably why Slash Kazuki can be hit while he fall out of a missed super. |
Bust Kazuki super move can be canceled with ABCD. If done just after the first hit or his super, he will remain with full POW while inflicting damage on his opponent and make him loose his weapon. |
His ↓↘→ + A then ↓↘→ + B is cancelable with the continuous slash. |
Kazuki continuous slash is cancelable with AB. |
Kazuki have the following inner multislashes: CD + C-B-B-B | CD + C-C. |
The tenth and eleventh hit of his 14 hitter have a stunt effect similar to a C slash on Gaira and Zankuro, allowing him to chain additionnal moves. |
A special animation occur at the end of the fight when Kazuki is fighting himself and didnt lost any round.
Kazuki can use his firestock (AB when knocked down) to cancel sogetsu 14 hitter or haomaru/sogetsu super move. |