Height: 178.8cm
Weight: 48.75kg
Birthplace: Tanba, Japan
Birthdate: 1765 January 18th(Died on 1788 April 1st)
Blood type: A(when he was alive)
Fighting Style: none(he moves as he wishes)
Weapon Name: Togabitogoroshi
Hobbies: I'll always think about you......
Most valued possession: Kagaribi......
Likes: I love you.....Kagaribi....
Dislikes: I hate....him...
Complex: Ahhh.....my body.....
Special Skill: To hunt demons
His thoughts on fighting: It's a beautiful nightmare.......

He and his wife Kagaribi were both killed by the demon Zankuro. Because his hate for the demon was so deep, he came back from the dead. Although his heart and mind had gone mad, he hunts Zankuro for revenge. After Zankuro had been killed, Basara searched for ways to finally rest in peace. After finding out that Amakusa was the one who brought him back from the dead, he heads for Shimabara to kill Amakusa. His soul was eventually captured by Mizuki and was sealed away.

Miscellaneous Facts and Notes

He was the one who actually killed Kagaribi.
Basara has to eternally hunt demons because of Kagaribi.

Source: Saiky Samurai Shodown plot